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About Us

 We believe every student should feel that way. Great answers & results are the first steps towards that goal.

Whenever a student gets stuck, they deserve an answer that teaches them how to move forward. Together, we can build the resource they need.

In the service of that mission, the following principles guide our product and community:

We build for students

We focus on the student and seek to do what’s best for them. As the world changes, what we build will change to adapt; our mission will stay the same.

Teaching. Not facts

HomeworkLib seeks to empower the world by providing access to content that teaches students how to think about and apply concepts so that they can go on to learn and excel as their pursuits increase in difficulty.

We are all teachers; we are all students

Learning is a lifelong journey we take together. Pedigree and experience don’t matter; a deep desire to learn and help others learn does. Anyone who shares this desire is welcome to contribute to HomeworkLib.

How to ask

• Keep it short and simple

Only include your exact question to get the most straightforward response—no need to add “thanks” or “please help!”

• Be clear and specific

What details can you include that will help someone understand and explain your question?

• Be genuine

Ask questions you’re genuinely trying to understand; don’t ask questions that distract from learning or intentionally start argumentative discussions.

• Write neatly

Correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation make a good first impression and let the answerer know you’re serious about learning.

• Respond to feedback

If someone asks for clarification on your question, make an effort to revise it—help them help you!

The community agrees that the following behaviors distract from learning. Please don’t:

1. Copy-and-paste text from other sites

Your answers should be original (written by you). Borrowing small snippets from others is ok sometimes, but never reuse more than a sentence (even if you cite your source).

2. Use personal stories

Remember, it’s all about helping the student! Personal experiences can be alienating or confusing for students who don’t relate to them.

3. Have a conversation in the answer

After get answer you have to gretting and give your best feedback

4. Spam or hawk

HomeworkLib is for learning, not promoting! You’re welcome to link to external sites.

5. Use mature or offensive language

HomeworkLib is a safe learning environment for students of all ages—leave profanity and inappropriate language at the door.

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