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Shows a tank that contains 2.0 m3 of water at early stage

Homeworklib Q&A #985 - Shows a tank that contains 2.0 m3 of water at early stage

Shows a tank that contains 2.0 m3 of water at early stage

Shows a tank that contains 2.0 m3 of water at early stage. A solution containing 25 kg/m3 of salt is added into the tank at a rate of 0.02 m3/s. The solution is withdrawn from the tank at a rate of 0.01 m3/s. Determine the salt concentration (kg/m3) in the tank when the tank contains 4.0 m3 of the solution. (Assumption: The tank is well mixed).
Shows a tank that contains 2.0 m3 of water at early stage

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Shows a tank that contains 2.0 m3 of water at early stage 

Shows a tank that contains 2.0 m3 of water at early stage 

Shows a tank that contains 2.0 m3 of water at early stage

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